Devon flower farm
wedding flowers
giant mange tout


Set on the site of a derelict reservoir on the outskirts of Totnes, Bowden Springs Farm is an example of how forgotten scraps of land can be reclaimed by both nature and community. The site was taken on by Joe and Olivia in 2019 and although it started life as an overgrown brownfield site littered with scrap metal, it has evolved into a productive, beautiful and biodiverse garden. 

We now provide our community and local businesses with fruit, veg and flowers. In the summer we host outdoor supper clubs and we also work with local charities and funders, running gardening sessions, nature connection groups and one-to-one therapy.

A big part of what we offer is rooted in therapeutic horticulture. We know from both personal experience and from the work we do, that forming a connection with nature can have a transformative impact on a person’s life. We hope that visiting the farm can be an opportunity for people to find respite and improve their wellbeing, all while developing a respect and sense of awe for nature.

Bowden Springs Farm is a Community Interest Company (CIC) meaning we exist to benefit our community rather than private shareholders. All profits from our activities are reinvested into our community engagement work - read more about our community work here.